Advent Devotions from The Presbyterian Outlook
"The season of Advent reminds us that God is with us in the night."
The waiting has begun! This is the season of Advent, when we are all awaiting the best news ever — that the Savior is born! “Hope is hard to find during a long pandemic. Dark feelings of grief, loss, anger, betrayal and despair plague our souls and our communities. As the light fades and the evenings grow long this December, the season of Advent reminds us that God is with us in the night. We can see and observe God at work in the dark, marvel at the beauty of creation lit by moon and stars, and rest from the day’s labor. Darkness is often associated with evil and suffering, but a devotional exploration of “night” bears witness to Christ’s Good News.” For the next four weeks, the time of Advent, our anticipation of the event should grow, and we should gain more excitement for what God is doing for us in the world. GOD is coming!! In the form of a baby, to grow, to experience our lives as we live them, to become the teacher, the healer, the Savior promised by God thousands of years before His arrival. In the dark, light glimmers, and grows, and our long waiting will come to an end.
A special series of Advent Devotions will be available each week Advent, Sunday, November 28th through Saturday, December 25th. These devotions are written by The Presbyterian Outlook editor Teri McDowell Ott. Each week includes a reflection, daily Scripture readings and a short prayer for each day. Use these devotions to prepare your heart for Christmas, 2021, a season of Light, of Hope, of Blessings.
Week 1, November 28 - December 4, 2021 - Beauty
Week 2, December 5 - 11, 2021 - Happenings
Week 3, December 12 - 18, 2021 - Rest
Week 4, December 19 - 25, 2021 - Watching
"The season of Advent reminds us that God is with us in the night."
The waiting has begun! This is the season of Advent, when we are all awaiting the best news ever — that the Savior is born! “Hope is hard to find during a long pandemic. Dark feelings of grief, loss, anger, betrayal and despair plague our souls and our communities. As the light fades and the evenings grow long this December, the season of Advent reminds us that God is with us in the night. We can see and observe God at work in the dark, marvel at the beauty of creation lit by moon and stars, and rest from the day’s labor. Darkness is often associated with evil and suffering, but a devotional exploration of “night” bears witness to Christ’s Good News.” For the next four weeks, the time of Advent, our anticipation of the event should grow, and we should gain more excitement for what God is doing for us in the world. GOD is coming!! In the form of a baby, to grow, to experience our lives as we live them, to become the teacher, the healer, the Savior promised by God thousands of years before His arrival. In the dark, light glimmers, and grows, and our long waiting will come to an end.
A special series of Advent Devotions will be available each week Advent, Sunday, November 28th through Saturday, December 25th. These devotions are written by The Presbyterian Outlook editor Teri McDowell Ott. Each week includes a reflection, daily Scripture readings and a short prayer for each day. Use these devotions to prepare your heart for Christmas, 2021, a season of Light, of Hope, of Blessings.
Week 1, November 28 - December 4, 2021 - Beauty
Week 2, December 5 - 11, 2021 - Happenings
Week 3, December 12 - 18, 2021 - Rest
Week 4, December 19 - 25, 2021 - Watching
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