Children's Ministry at BPC-K
Presbyterians believe children bring special gifts to worship and to the congregation as we journey together in faith. BPC-K's Children's Ministry includes children in worship and education events, as well as fellowship and mission opportunities. As our church grows, so do our children's ministries and we seek to provide special ways for children to grow in their faith and in their understanding of God's love through service to others. We invite you to join us as we celebrate our journey of faith together!
Children's Church
Children begin the worship service in the church sanctuary. Shortly into the service children will come to the front of the church for a few moments for their special time with the pastor. This is called "Time with Younger Christians." Following the Time with Younger Christians, the children are invited to go to their own worship room, where they will engage in their own Christian education experience.
We ask that parents come to the classroom after the end of the Sunday Worship Service to pick up their children.
We ask that parents come to the classroom after the end of the Sunday Worship Service to pick up their children.
Nursery during Worship

Bethpage provides a full nursery facility in rooms 205 & 207 in the Educational Building. Our nurseries are excellently staffed with loving volunteers from our congregation. We provide nursery care for infants and toddlers during the Worship Service (10:00 AM.) We also offer a nursery when church is in the fellowship hall. This nursery is located in room 410, just outside the fellowship hall. Parents are asked to sign in when they bring their children to the nursery, and label all personal belongings.
We take seriously our ministry to the youngest ones of our church and community, and we strive for a clean, safe, nurturing environment where children can begin to learn God's love through tender touch and care.
We take seriously our ministry to the youngest ones of our church and community, and we strive for a clean, safe, nurturing environment where children can begin to learn God's love through tender touch and care.
Vacation Bible School - is a special time during the summer where children from the community gather to learn from God's Word in exciting ways. Crafts, music, and drama are used to present Bible stories in a new light.
Egg Hunt - We celebrate the joy of Easter with an annual Egg Hunt for young children held immediately following our Easter Sunday Worship Service.. Activities include dying eggs, finding eggs on the church lawn, craft activities, and hearing the story of Jesus' resurrection told in active ways.
Christmas Program - A highlight of our preparations for Christmas is the Christmas program. Each year the story of Jesus' birth is retold in fresh and exciting ways by children of all ages.