Lights of Love
It's time to order Lights of Love! Lights of Love are tributes offered IN MEMORY OF or IN HONOR OF your loved ones during the Christmas season. These lights are placed on the holly tree on the east side of the Sanctuary. The lights cost $1.00 each with proceeds going to Cooperative Christian Ministry - Fuel Assistance. The Listing of Recognition will be included in the December 20th morning worship service bulletin and in the Christmas Eve worship service bulletin. Please fill out an order form and return with your payment to the church office. Please make checks payable to Bethpage Presbyterian Church. Deadline for turning in orders is Sunday, December 13th. Lights of Love Order Form
It's time to order Lights of Love! Lights of Love are tributes offered IN MEMORY OF or IN HONOR OF your loved ones during the Christmas season. These lights are placed on the holly tree on the east side of the Sanctuary. The lights cost $1.00 each with proceeds going to Cooperative Christian Ministry - Fuel Assistance. The Listing of Recognition will be included in the December 20th morning worship service bulletin and in the Christmas Eve worship service bulletin. Please fill out an order form and return with your payment to the church office. Please make checks payable to Bethpage Presbyterian Church. Deadline for turning in orders is Sunday, December 13th. Lights of Love Order Form